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Our Policy

In a constantly growing world with its share of challenges, where environmental care is a fundamental part of our philosophy as a responsible company, we promote sustainability at every stage of our operations to contribute to a more prosperous and balanced future for generations to come.

Our mission is to offer sustainably high-quality products through an implementation strategy of sustainability policies that contribute to the development of our community and country.

At the core of our sustainability policy is a strong commitment to minimizing our environmental impact. We implement eco-efficient practices and technologies in our facilities and production processes to reduce our carbon footprint and preserve natural resources. We also promote the adoption of renewable energy and the optimization of water and raw material consumption throughout the supply chain.

Furthermore, we strive to contribute to the socio-economic development of the communities in which we operate. We aim to create opportunities for dignified and sustainable employment, promote gender equality, and support local initiatives that enhance people’s quality of life. We are also committed to ethical and transparent business practices, ensuring integrity in our relationships with suppliers, customers, and collaborators.

Our Objectives

Our sustainability policy at Citrojugo aligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the UN’s 2030 agenda, with a particular focus on those where we can make the greatest impact:

Salud y Bienestar

Mejorar la salud y seguridad laboral de nuestros colaboradores.
Trabajamos en la implementación de altos estándares de seguridad, adecuando nuestras instalaciones con infraestructura y equipamiento dirigidos a la prevención de accidentes y capacitando a nuestros colaboradores continuamente mediante la impartición de talleres y programas.

Educacion de Calidad

El desarrollo profesional de nuestros colaboradores es directamente proporcional al propio crecimiento de la empresa por lo que promovemos oportunidades de aprendizaje y desarrollo permanente para todos.

Agua Limpia y Saneamiento

Uno de los recursos naturales más importante para el desarrollo de la vida es sin duda alguna el agua, por eso nuestro compromiso es hacer un uso responsable y eficiente de este recurso mediante una gestión sostenible del agua y su saneamiento.

Energía asequible, sostenible y moderna

El reto radica en lograr conciliar el crecimiento económico con los cambios en el patrón de consumo de la energía necesaria para desarrollar la actividad productiva y a la vez disminuir las emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI), dando mayor espacio a las fuentes renovables de energía, aumentando la eficiencia de la estructura productiva.

Alianzas para lograr objetivos

Trabajamos con nuestra cadena de suministros para lograr un abastecimiento responsable extendiendo a lo largo de la cadena de valor esfuerzos sustentables creando alianzas con los clientes y proveedores para trabajar en proyectos e iniciativas en conjunto.

Our Actions


Ecological Farming

We embrace sustainability. We nurture the soil with organic compost, shield it with bio-repellents, and advocate for biological controls for a greener future.


Water Consumption

We cultivate using organic compost, bio-repellents, and biological control. We neutralize water and opt for natural gas, saving energy. Sustainability in action.



We care for the environment: we recycle solid waste and reforest. Concrete actions for a sustainable future.

Our Nurseries

Producers of supreme quality, with strict hygiene standards, this is where Grupo GO’s products are born and thrive.


Crop nourishment with organic residues. Compost, Vermicompost, and Leachate.


Crop protection against pests. AracniMax, MD Citri, and FragoMix: -H.

Biological Control

Use of live organisms for pest control, including Chrysoperla Carnea.



At Citrojugo, we believe in giving back to the community through various initiatives that promote social well-being and development.

News about Our Sustainable Activities